The Swig Company


LEED Gold Certified Energy Star Partner Well Health Safety Rated

Building Management

The on-site Building Management is dedicated to making your work environment as safe and pleasant as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Building Management Office at:

6300 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 140
Los Angeles, CA, 90048

Phone: (323) 655-5096

The following personnel are available to address your needs:

Building Management Office
Tenant Services Coordinator Yana Chernyak (323) 694-5054
Senior Property Manager Jackie Rudge (323) 694-5051
Property Manager Wendy Medina (323) 655-0552
Security & Front Lobby (24-hours / 7-days)
Security Console (323) 655-5098
*For Emergencies - Security Cell (213) 272-1839

Engineering Staff is available for tenant calls and building operations during business hours.

In This Section

Building Management Business Hours & Holidays Rental Remittance